Free toys!

WOOF! Phineas here.

So, I’m guessing your hoomans have things for you to play with. But, did you know there are fun things in the yard to play with? Just so you know, some things outside can hurt you or they belong to someone else. Kinda like the shoes, erasers, pencils, snack containers, eye-glasses, socks, water guns etc that I occasionally play with…for a very short time cause my hooman will give me a treat if I drop it.

I do like to play with sticks, tree leaves, squirrels and bugs.  Most times my hooman won’t take these away from me.  I found a fuzzy thing the other day, and boy was it fun to play with. Here, take a look! Sorry, my hooman can’t figure out how to post a video. She may need to ask a 5 year old. :/

Till next time, WOOF!